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Open Source Collaborations

Here you can find some of the collaborations I did at some point with open source projects.

ATT&CK MITRECoverage for APT-C-36APT-C-36
ATT&CK MITRECoverage for Imminent Monitor RATImminent Monitor RAT
Sigma RulesDetection for Jlaive executionJlaive Sigma rule
Sigma RulesDetection for registry key created when desk.cpl executes .scr filesdesk.cpl Sigma rule
LOLBASReferences added for sigma rule created for desk.cpldesk.cpl reference added
Sigma RulesDetects when the file "passwd" or "shadow" is copied from tmp pathCopy Passwd Or Shadow From TMP Path
Sigma RulesDetects attempts to force stop the ufw using ufw-initUfw Force Stop Using Ufw-Init
Sigma RulesDetect use of iptables to flush all firewall rules, tables and chains and allow all network trafficFlush Iptables Ufw Chain
Sigma RulesDetects execution of the "mount" command with "hidepid" parameter to make invisible processes to other users from the systemMount Execution With Hidepid Parameter
Sigma RulesDetects usage of the "touch" process in service file.Touch Suspicious Service File
Sigma RulesDetects changes to the PSFactory COM InProcServer32 registry. This technique was used by RomCom to create persistence storing a malicious DLL.Potential PSFactoryBuffer COM Hijacking
Sigma RulesDetects the use of wget to download content to a suspicious directoryDownload File To Potentially Suspicious Directory Via Wget
Sigma RulesDetects executions of scripts located in potentially suspicious locations such as "/tmp" via a shell such as "bash", "sh", etc.Execution Of Script Located In Potentially Suspicious Directory
Sigma RulesDetects execution of shells from a parent process located in a temporary (/tmp) directoryShell Execution Of Process Located In Tmp Directory
Sigma RulesDetects a potentially suspicious execution of a process located in the '/tmp/' folderPotentially Suspicious Execution From Tmp Folder
Sigma RulesDetects execution of binaries located in potentially suspicious locations via "nohup"Suspicious Nohup Execution
Sigma RulesDetects the use of grep to discover specific files created by the GobRAT malwarePotential GobRAT File Discovery Via Grep
Sigma RulesDetects the use of grep to identify information about the operating system architecture. Often combined beforehand with the execution of "uname" or "cat /proc/cpuinfo"OS Architecture Discovery Via Grep
Sigma RulesDetects the use of wget to download content in a temporary directory such as "/tmp" or "/var/tmp"Wget Creating Files in Tmp Directory
Sigma RulesDetects the creation of shell scripts under the "profile.d" path.Potentially Suspicious Shell Script Creation in Profile Folder